These free activities in Italian for beginners can be downloaded and used both for educational purposes and for individual learning. We recommend to you print the documents and do the exercises in paper format, to allow greater concentration and memorization of the contents.
Italian for beginners (A1-A2 level)
articoli, preposizioni, sostantivi, aggettivi, pronomi, singolare, plurale, maschile, femminile, essere, avere, esserci, presente indicativo, verbi riflessivi, verbi pronominali, verbi modali, passato prossimo, imperfetto, condizionale semplice, imperativo, futuro, congiuntivo presente.
nations, languages, numbers, food and drink, time, days of the week, months, clothing, home and furniture, family, parts of the human body, health, work.
greetings and farewells, introduce itself, ask for personal data, order in the restaurant, free time, I like it and I don’t like it, frequency, express a wish, make a proposal, give an advice, book a room, ask for information, complain, shopping, describe a person, make an appointment, express an opinion, write a job application.
Latest activity: aggettivi qualificativi principianti30
If you want to delve deeper into the topic “aggettivi qualificativi”
sign up for the lesson on July 24th.